Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cancer Sucks...!!!

Today has been a hard day for Dad. His belly looks pretty distended, but he made it emphatically clear that he was NOT going to the hospital to say "hey doc my kids think my stomach is big" I can understand why he is so sick and tired of Dr's....but we are worried about him. Before the cancer, he was strong and independant and very set in his ways. He loved doing his gardens and working at the H.D and seeing his kids when we came to he can hardly keep his eyes open when anyone comes to visit, he's lost all his independence, doesn't have the strength to even go look at his gardens right now never mind tend them....and he can't work. He hasn't worked since his diagnosis nearly a year ago. It is so sad to watch the cancer taking away what it has no right to take.

My sisters and my brother in law are taking a trip with my parents on the Polar Bear Express on Sunday for five days......I am hoping and praying that Dad will be able to make it. I'm afraid if he doesn't, he will give up all hope.

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