Saturday, June 19, 2010

For those of you who, {{{gasp}}} haven't seen my babies, here they are.....they are the most awesome loving and gentle souls you'll ever meet. Well okay Mortimer is...he's the one sitting on his sister Molly. Molly....well she's a bully, a brat, she's disobedient, has a mind of her own and is totally motivated by one But we love her with everything in us anyway. One only has to spend a minute in time with either of these dogs to fall in love with them....they are sometimes the one comfort that I need when I feel like the world is gonna end....well them and my family.....but they don't talk back..(well not ALL the time) and they don't tell me what I've done wrong or how I should fix things......they just love me...:-)


  1. Very sweet, even the grumpy one LOL


    She only talks back when she feels humiliated in a dress so totally not princess worthy!

    Give Miss Molly a big kiss from her favourite Auntie ;) And a big bear hug for Morty cuz he's just so darn loveable.

  3. thanks girlz......and JY hey maybe that's why she's extra bratty....she hasn't worn her dress in quite a while....maybe she misses it....LMHO YOu know I still can't even say your name...she runs to the door looking for you ....even here...:-)
